A glass of MILK a day keeps black thoughts away – Nischita Nibedita


A healthy drink – MILK, is the first food we consume when we are born into this world. Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants during their first months of life, and it continues to provide up to half or more of a baby’s nutritional needs during its early stages of growth.


As children, we are encouraged to drink up our milk so that we can “grow up big and strong.” But what happens to our desire to drink milk as we grow older? We are likely to stop drinking this nutritious beverage, perhaps because we associate it too much with childhood and want to move on to more grown-up drinks like tea and coffee. But, should we, as adults, still drink milk?


Decades of research continues to point to the importance of maintaining bone health as we age, in order to reduce the incidence of fractures and bone diseases later in life. Bone diseases are quite common in Nigeria. For example, according to data, there are more than 1.5 million cases of Osteoporosis per year in Nigeria. Osteoporosis refers to a condition in which bones become weak and brittle, and bone loss occurs without symptoms. Consequently, most people are unaware of their deteriorating bone health, and many of us do not get enough Calcium – a key nutrient for healthy bones, and one of the four nutrients of public health concern (Calcium, Dietary Fiber, Potassium and Vitamin D). Throughout our life, our bones are constantly changing. When your intake of Calcium-rich foods is low, your body ‘steals’ the calcium it needs from your bones – which can cause them to become porous and weak.


The good news is that people of all ages can take a few simple steps to help build and maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of Osteoporosis. Scientific studies suggest that drinking milk and dairy products regularly may help prevent Osteoporosis and bone fractures and even help you maintain a healthy weight.


Milk has always been a healthy drink because of the high range of nutrients it contains. This delicious beverage is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, protein, healthy fats and antioxidants, including many nutrients which are usually under-consumed by many people.


However, although milk is a good choice for some, many people cannot tolerate it because they are unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products (products containing or made from milk). This has led to a wide variety of non-dairy milk alternatives, including: soymilk, oat milk, almond milk, and many others. Choosing a product with limited ingredients is a good choice. If possible, it is suggested that we could stick to unsweetened varieties of milk, to limit the amount of added sugar in our diet.


For those able to tolerate milk, however, consuming high-quality milk and dairy products has been proven to provide a number of health benefits. These include: –


  1. GOOD FOR BONES: Although sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D, which is necessary for strong and healthy bones, Calcium is also an essential nutrient for strong bones, muscle movement and nerve signals. Milk is the topmost food source of Calcium and vitamin D for children and adults. It is also a high source of Potassium, Phosphorus and Magnesium. Studies suggest that drinking just one glass of milk a day may help to prevent bone diseases such as Osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures. Milk, cheese and yogurt are some of the top sources of Calcium. Vitamin D increases the body’s ability to absorb Calcium. Apart from sunlight, which has already been mentioned as an excellent source of vitamin D, eggs, salmon, mushrooms, fortified milk and some yogurts are also good sources of vitamin D.


  1. HELPS IN BUILDING STRONG TEETH: Milk is said to strengthen our teeth because it contains a high amount of Calcium. Calcium is all that our teeth and bones need. Lactose also helps to prevent cavities and tooth decay.


  1. PROMOTES MUSCLE HEALTH: Drinking milk is associated with a lower risk of age-related muscle loss. Also, several studies have demonstrated that drinking milk after a workout can decrease muscle damage, promote muscle repair, increase strength and decrease muscle soreness.


  1. RICH IN PROTEIN: Your body requires proteins that can help in cell repair and boosting a person’s immunity.


  1. PROMOTES HEART HEALTH: The Potassium in milk may help with heart health. Getting more Potassium while also reducing Sodium (salt) intake can lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.


  1. REDUCES DEPRESSION: Remember the introductory quote by Nischita Nibedita? . . . “A glass of MILK a day keeps black thoughts away . . . “? Well, yes, milk contains vitamin D. Adequate levels of vitamin D support the production of Serotonin, a hormone people associate with mood, appetite and sleep. Manufacturers often fortify cow’s milk and plant milk with vitamin D. So, this can help to reduce depression.


  1. BOOSTS METABOLISM: Milk is a powerhouse of energy. It boosts your metabolism and keeps you satisfied for a longer period.


  1. REDUCES RISKS OF OBESITY: Whole milk can be added to your diet. With its high protein content, it can curb your cravings for junk food for a long time, which will aid you in your fitness strategy to burn fat.


  1. FIGHTS MULTIPLE DISEASES: Researchers have found that milk helps in preventing many diseases, including some types of cancer, as well as reduces a person’s risk of having a stroke or developing high blood pressure.


  1. STRESS BUSTER: Milk soothes your muscles and nerves and has a calming effect on you.


  1. PREVENTS HEARTBURNS: There are many foods that are acidic in nature and can cause heartburns. Milk gives you a calming effect that coats the stomach lining and oesophagus from causing heartburn.


  1. GOOD FOR YOUR SKIN: Milk makes your skin look young, soft and glowing. This is because it contains retinol, a known anti-aging and skin-restoring antioxidant. Plus milk’s vitamin D is also an anti-aging vitamin, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects and protection from ultraviolet rays.


Now that we know that milk has a wide range of benefits, it is also good for us to note that milk has healthy types that can benefit us. It is advised that we choose low-fat or non-fat milk, whole milk or skim milk.


How much milk should a person consume daily? There is no hard and fast rule as to how much milk a person should consume, but be aware that too much of something is not advisable. For adults, two full glasses of milk a day – once in the morning and once before bed – will provide an adequate amount of nutrients. For children below 12 years of age, two 250ml glasses of milk a day should be sufficient. And, of course, babies require regular milk intake as it is their sole source of nutrients, be it breast milk or formula milk.


The price of milk and dairy products has risen, along with other food items in the market, due to the current inflationary trend in Nigeria. So, to conclude, I would like to use this medium to suggest/appeal to the various dairy product manufacturers in Nigeria to consider reducing the price of milk and other dairy products, in order to make it more affordable to the people, so that this does not hinder the majority of people from enjoying the rich nutritional benefits of this super beverage – MILK!


So, everyone, drink milk regularly, enjoying its rich nutritional benefits from A to Z!



FESTAC Town, Lagos.

0817 479 5742.

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