It’s International Beer Day!

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International beer day

Beer is said to be the world’s oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drink, being the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea.

This being the case, it is only appropriate that the world marks International Beer Day!

The IBD is a global celebration of beer, taking place in pubs, breweries, and backyards all over the world.

Celebrated every first Friday of August, it’s a day for beer lovers everywhere to raise a toast to brewers and bartenders and rejoice in the greatness of beer!

International Beer Day is right here! Feel free to convince your non-beer drinking spouse/friend/warden to partake in what is now becoming the most beloved day of universal celebration.

“‘I don’t like beer,’ they may say, without a hint of shame or embarrassment.

“Balderdash. They just haven’t experienced the wonders of a well crafted beer and just need a little guidance,” experts at internationalbeerday retort.

The experts note that the majority of beers on the market today are either ales or lagers.

Distinguishing between ‘beers’ as we know them, the experts write, “Lagers tend to have a more smooth and mellow flavour, while Ales are more full-bodied and slightly bitter. This is all due to the yeast and fermentation process.

“Lagers (German word for “to store”) are fermented for longer at lower temperatures.

“Due to this time-consuming process, a lot of small breweries can’t afford the time it takes for fermentation and leave it to the big boys.

“Ales are fermented at higher temperatures for a shorter period of time and contain hops, which add the bitter flavour.

“If you meet a time traveler from the Middle Ages, this is their beverage of choice,” the experts submit.

Meanwhile, the purpose of International Beer Day is threefold:

  • To gather with friends and enjoy the deliciousness that is beer.
  • To celebrate the dedicated men and women who brew and serve our beer.
  • To bring the world together by celebrating the beers of all nations and cultures on this one remarkable day.

Quick facts

  • International Beer Day takes place annually on the first Friday in August.
  • it was first celebrated in August 2008.
  • August was chosen because of its summer weather and distance from other beer celebrations.
  • It is celebrated in over 200 cities globally.

So, Happy International Beer Day!


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