Sigh of relief! Cops say no criminal charges against Justin Bieber for running truck into photographer

Image result for JUSTIN BIEBER NO CRIMINAL CHARGES For Striking Photog with Truck
Bieber at the scene

Justin Biebe can breathe a sigh of relief — we’re told cops are not recommending any criminal charges against him for accidentally running his truck into a paparazzo.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … they’ve determined Bieber had no intent to strike the paparazzo when he left church last week. As we reported, Bieber’s monster truck knocked the photographer to the ground. The photog went to the hospital for a leg injury.

What’s more, cops tell us the photog was in the wrong for standing in the street, but since that’s a minor crime he won’t be charged because it wasn’t committed in the presence of police.

As for a civil lawsuit … well, that’s almost a sure thing, but it seems Bieber has a leg up because he had the right of way, was blinded by camera flashes and the photog was where he shouldn’t have been.TMZ

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