Opinion: The Nigerian Child And Education – By DANIEL IGHAKPE


“All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances,

have the right to quality education.” – UNICEF.



According to data, Nigeria is a ‘country of the young,’ with around 43

per cent (almost  half the entire population) currently under the age

of 15. Nevertheless, a survey conducted by the United Nations

Children’s Fund (UNICEF) indicates that Nigeria has the highest number

of out-of-school children in the world, even though primary education

is officially free and compulsory.



This constitutes a serious problem for the country. Knowing the future

impact of having a population largely filled with uneducated children,

this menace will (if not properly curtailed), reduce the world’s

largest Black nation to a hub of vulnerable children with no access to

quality education.



A good education prepares children to cope successfully with life in

today’s society. It equips them with academic skills, including the

ability to read and write well and to do arithmetic. Moreover, it

affects their interaction with others and helps them build up

wholesome standards of morality. Also, as human society becomes even

more complex, a good education takes on greater importance.



Many people feel that the main purpose of education is to earn money.

Yet, some educated people are unemployed or do not earn enough to meet

basic needs. Some parents may therefore think that it is not

beneficial to send a child to school. But schooling does more than

prepare someone to make money. It equips children for life in general.



However, even for children who attend school, there still exist some

problems that can hinder the child from receiving proper education.

These problems include: overcrowded classrooms which make learning

difficult, absence of suitable learning facilities due to poor

funding, a poorly remunerated and therefore unhappy teaching staff,

and so on. Therefore, it is important that parents take an active

interest in what their children are learning at school. They should

get acquainted with the teachers, especially at the beginning of each

term. They could ask for the teacher’s advice on how the children can

become better students. The teachers may thus feel appreciated and be

motivated to make a greater effort to meet the educational needs of

the children.



Regarding the problem of high number of out-of-school children in

Nigeria, it is important to first of all consider and address the

factors that contribute toward their high number. Such contributory

factors include the acts of terrorism especially in the North-Eastern

part of the country, where the highest number of out-of-school

children are found. As a result of acts of terrorism in that area,

many schools have been destroyed, thousands of teachers have been

killed, and insurgency and acts of terror have dampened the enthusiasm

of children to go to school, and embedded in parents the fear of

sending their wards to school.



Furthermore, economic barriers, as well as socio-cultural norms and

practices have contributed to discouraging attendance in formal

education, especially for the girl child. Poverty, early marriage,

cultural and religious misconceptions or misrepresentations, and

teenage pregnancy also act as barriers to girl child education,

especially in the North.



Parents sometimes send their sons to school but not their daughters.

Perhaps some parents think that it is too expensive to educate their

daughters and believe that girls can be more useful to their mother by

staying at home all day. But illiteracy will handicap a daughter. A

UNICEF publication stated: “Study after study has demonstrated that

providing education for girls is one of the best strategies for

breaking the hold of poverty.” Educated girls are  better equipped for

life and make wiser decisions, thus benefiting all in the family.



In some places children are deprived of formal education, and then

handed over to someone to learn a trade. Sometimes these children are

exploited. Learning a trade is a good thing, but they would be more

likely to avoid exploitation if they first received a basic education

and then learned a trade.



Other factors that contribute toward the problem of out-of-school

children include poor implementation of government policies on

education, corruption, unnecessary bureaucratic bottlenecks,

inadequate funding for the education sector, poor provision of

educational infrastructure at the basic education level, among others.

If these problems, along with the problem of terrorism in the North,

the economic barriers, etc, are addressed, then we may begin to see a

drastic reduction in the high number of out-of-school children in




Apart from efforts by the government, other sectors of the society

such as the private sector, media, and community, can also help to

reduce the number of out-of-school children in the country. This they

can do by providing aids and grants, building new classroom blocks in

public schools, donating educational infrastructure such as school

furniture, textbooks, libraries, etc. Some private organizations could

even identify some less-privileged out-of-school children, verify

them, and sponsor their education.



Children are one of the greatest assets that we can ever invest in for

our future. So, let us all put hands together to address the menace of

out-of-school children, and help children gain access to quality




Article compiled by: Daniel IGHAKPE (Mr.).


Contact Address: 7th Avenue, ‘O’ Close, House 20, FESTAC Town, Lagos State.


Mobile Phone Number: 0817 479 5742.


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