Wizkid set to buy a monkey after getting a pet goat


Just shortly after acquiring a pet goat, Wizkid hints on getting another pet .

This time, the singer will be getting a pet monkey for keeps

Certainly, someone is sickly rich and showing love to animals Let’s just say it how it is, Starboy Wizkid has found a new fetish or is just plain bored.

What happens when a famous billionaire gets tired of acquiring cars, houses and amassing luxury material items?

They start buying weird exotic pets. It’s happened to a lot of wealthy and famous individuals in the past (think of Pablo Escobar acquiring Flamingos) and Wizzy is just following the path with a bit of African swaga.

First on the list for the Manya crooner was a decorated goat which was seen adorned in expensive jewelry. Now, Baba Nla has hinted he is set to get another pet and this time, it’s a monkey.

Wizkid set to buy a monkey after getting a pet goat

Luckily for him, monkeys are smart animals and given the proper exposure, exhibit impressive intelligent mannerisms. So watch out, we might just have a singing monkey on the loose, touring with Wizkid soon.  naij

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